At the start of each Bishop Moore Catholic team's season, every Coach identifies the needs and wants of his or her program. Some years the needs are greater than others for a specific sport. Once a Coach shares those items with the Athletic Director, it is determined how that sport can pay for each of those things. The needs take priority over the wants, but every sport is looked at as an individual program. This particular page allows alumni, parents of current players, other family members and friends of current players, and overall supporters of BMC Athletics to give something back to their sport of choice. This page is available year round. You have likely been contacted by the Coach or a current player to ask you for your support of their team. All gifts are welcomed and appreciated. These dollars will go to enhancing the experiences of our very talented student-athletes. Simply complete the form, the sport or sports to benefit from your commitment, and proceed to checkout. Thank you in advance for your support. GO HORNETS!