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Our Mission

Bishop Moore Catholic recognizes each student as a unique individual created in the image of God. The Academic Support Team works collaboratively with parents, students,  faculty, and staff to provide students with the support and resources needed to be successful students and become self-advocates. 

The Academic Support Program at BMC is designed to support students with learning challenges or documented disabilities. Academic support is available for all BMC students. However, only students meeting eligibility criteria receive accommodations. 

Academic Support Team

  • Profile Photo

    Diana Tompkins

    Director of Academic Support
  • Profile Photo

    Siobhan Henderson

    Academic Support Teacher
  • Profile Photo

    Kate O'Reilly

    Academic Support Teacher
  • Profile Photo

    Andre Wright

    Academic Support Teacher
  • Profile Photo

    James Foltz

    Testing Center Coordinator

Support Available

  • Learning Strategies, Learning Lab and Intensive Math Electives 
  • Co-Teachers in designated science, math, and English classrooms
  • Academic Support Plans indicating accommodations for students with documented disabilities
  • Access to subject area teachers and academic support teachers during the 9th hour
  • Peer tutoring and academic coaching
  • Social Skills Program

Available Accommodations

BMC provides reasonable accommodations to students with documented disabilities. Accommodations are based on documentation, available resources, and the Academic Support Teams recommendations. However, BMC is not obligated to follow the objectives nor provide all services indicated on the documentation provided. Students are expected to abide by the guidelines established in the Student Handbook and meet the graduation requirements for a Florida State High School Diploma.

Academic Support Plans indicating reasonable instructional and testing accommodations are available for eligible students.

Examples of available accommodations include:

  • Extended time for testing
  • Preferential seating
  • Use of Assistive technology
  • Assistance with notes
  • Testing in an alternative setting


*SAT and ACT accommodations are not school-based decisions.  Requesting accommodations for these tests involves a separate process and goes through the Guidance Department. 




Documentation Guidelines

BMCHS follows the documentation guidelines established by the College Board.

  • Documentation must state the specific disability as diagnosed by an appropriate professional and be current (3-5 Years).
  • Information presented must be educationally relevant, describe functional limitations, and include recommendations.
  • Documentation may be in the form of an IEP, private psycho-educational evaluation, or a 504 plan.




Helpful Apps and Websites

Free access to audiobooks for eligible students

A comprehensive website offering resources and strategies for students and parents.

Free expert-created content and resources for every subject and level.

A Reading productivity tool to help summarize texts

A program for assistance with the writing process.

Learning tools including flashcards and practice tests.

A visual learning and thinking APP for IPad and iPhones.

Math APP to help interpret problems and math content.

APP for easy note-taking on the IPad.  Available at the APP store.

Parent Resources

Orange County Public Schools 
Non-Public Services 
3909 S. Summerlin Ave 
Orlando, FL 32806 


Center for Autism and Related Disorders (CARD)


Resources for information about all types of learning challenges


Autistic Self-Advocacy Network - Navigating College


Learning Disabilities of America


ADDitude Magazine - Inside the ADHD mind 


ADHD specialists, products, and services


Child Mind Institute - Information about common concerns many families share


A resource for students going to college with disabilities 


Coming Soon!