The mission of the Student Government is to connect student representatives who will work directly with administrators to enhance Bishop Moore Catholic’s goals and create an environment where students can thrive by suggesting positive changes to the school and community as a whole.
One boy and one girl will represent each grade and will be elected by their peers through campaigning. Candidates who seek to run for office must pick up an application from the Student Center or the Hornet Productions Studio and return it by Wednesday, March 27th. Candidates qualified to run will move on to campaigning. Your platform, speeches, and campaign posters will be certified through What’s Buzzin’ with the assistance of the Student Life and Hornet Productions team. Elections will be held in May for the 2024-2025 school year.
Responsibilities of those who hold office include:
- Attending monthly and required meetings with Administration to discuss current issues.
- Actively seeking feedback from peers and narrowing down important topics.
- Providing feedback on existing policies and suggesting modifications or improvements.
- Attending meetings to learn from community role models who demonstrate leadership.
The following qualifications must be met to run for office:
- A 3.5 or above unweighted GPA.
- Participating in at least one sport or actively participating in a club.
- Meets the recommended number of community service hours per grade.
- Demonstrates positive character traits and behavior choices.
- Signature on the application from BOTH a dean and member of Campus Ministry.
- Signature on the application from their school counselor.
- Teacher recommendations will be collected electronically.
Campaigning Guidelines
Campaigns will be completed ethically and respectfully. Failure to adhere to the following guidelines could result in disqualification and/or disciplinary action.
- The student must collaborate with the Associate Director of Student Life and the Digital Services Coordinator to develop posters.
- The student is required to create a platform in which it would be shared on official school social media platforms.
- Posters must include the candidate’s name and the election date.
- Posters must only be hung in approved areas.
- Clearly articulate the vision and goals for the Student Government and what positive changes you will seek to make.
- Do not promise the unattainable.
- Highlight relevant experience, skills, and qualifications that make you a suitable candidate.
- Emphasize your willingness to collaborate with other student leaders, faculty, and administration to achieve common goals.
- Campaigning negatively towards another candidate is not allowed.
- The poster and speech must demonstrate how the individual will benefit the school without referencing inappropriate or unnecessary details.